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Macy Decoración y más

Decoration for teen bedrooms

If you have in mind decorating a teen bedroom, there are some aspects to take into account to make your children happy.

Adolescence is a difficult period for parents and children. Teenagers may feel misunderstood and parents can’t find the key to satisfy them. If you have in mind decorating a teen bedroom, there are some aspects to take into account to make your children happy. Today, we will help you to decorate a teen bedroom by choosing the right colors and the suitable combinations.

In order to choose the perfect colors and chromatic combinations for teen rooms, you should have in mind your children’s tastes. For teenagers, their room is their shelter. They sleep, work, play and see friends there. So, decoration must be multifunctional, flexible and well-balanced in the combination of elements.

On this occasion, we have opted for a four colors scheme from the collection COSMOPOLITAS from our catalogue MATE DECORACIÓN. These paints are washable and of easy application and have a matte finish and a pleasant odor.


Our four colors proposal:

The selected colors for teen rooms, either boys or girls, are specifically: Red 439, Indigo 445, Nile Blue 446 and Vapor 424. Properly combined, they will result in modern and well-balanced spaces, fostering relaxation and calm, and conveying energy and vitality.

As already known, it is not recommendable to combine more than two different colors, but instead, you can combine their different hues. You may paint one of the walls Red 439, for example, and select the rest of the decorative elements in Nile Blue, Vapor or White.

Another possibility is to paint walls with White and play with the decorative elements in other colors. Bed-side table, for example, may be painted with one of the suggested colors. The key for success comes from combining hues suitably, and generating a comfortable atmosphere for our children.

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