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Macy Decoración y más

Gloss, satin or matt, which finish should I choose?

We have already told you how colors can affect your mood and which are the most suitable colors for the different rooms you want to paint. Anyway, there is another aspect to take into account before taking your decision, whether you do it by yourself or you have it done by a pro. We refer to the paint finish.

As you would know, there are different kinds of finishes: gloss, satin or matt. The final look will affect the perception of the results. Did you know that gloss paints are more energizing and exciting while matt paints are more relaxing? Let’s learn more about it.

A characteristic of gloss finish is that they highlight imperfections, being necessary to assess the conditions of the surface.  It is less and less usual to see walls painted with gloss finishes, but it is common to find it on furniture and other decorative elements, providing your room with a pinch of elegance.

If gloss is your option, it is recommended to combine it with the matt version of it, playing thus with contrasts and getting stunning results.

Matt is the most usual finish to paint walls. As it doesn’t reflect light, it hides imperfections and facilitates its application. At PINTURAS MACY we always recommend our customers to paint ceilings with this kind of paints to avoid unnecessary reflections.

Satin finish, mid-way between matt and gloss- is easy to clean, reflects light and enhances lighting. When applying a satin paint, it is important to do it carefully to avoid imperfections that may appear in the light. On the other side, it provides a perfect decorative finish for modern and well-balanced rooms, thanks to its silky appearance.

Beyond these recommendations, the chosen finish will depend on your personal liking. Fully enjoy your finish –gloss, satin or matt-, with our SYNTHETIC ENAMEL MACY or our ACRYLIC ENAMEL MACY.  They are suitable for different kind of surfaces, as long as they have been previously primed.

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