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Macy Decoración y más

Color of the year: 2018 is going to be ultra violet

As every year, Pantone has announced ULTRA VIOLET Color of the Year 2018. It will inspire fashion weeks, fashion designers and interior designers’ collections. 2018 is going to be represented by Ultra Violet, and we will be devoted to it.

Ultra Violet is a dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade, which evokes a visionary thinking. Futurist and traditional, Ultra Violet will take you to the outer space or to an immense lavender field. 

This purple tonality, intense and bright, blends at a time provocation and elegance in the same proportion. This duality is perfect to adapt to different decorative styles, from classic to modern. The key is a tasteful combination.

PINTURAS MACY has no preference for just one color. The color spectrum is so wide that we opt for choosing ULTRA VIOLET in all its shades, from the most intense to the dullest colors.

In this way, our color chart comprises NAZARENO 436, which reminds the nazarenos”s’ clothing for Easter. VIOLETA PU, LILA 85, LILA SUAVE 91, MALVA 92, CIRUELA 433 or PÚRPURA MT-14 are some other violet shades you will find among our paints. They work together harmoniously, and also with other colors beyond your imagination.

Combine them with dusty colors, varieties of raspberry, red, blue, white, grey, yellow, black… Apply them on walls, furniture, textiles or decorative elements. For example, if you dare a bold finish, opt for a decoration with neuter colors, a one-color wall  with NAZARENO 436 and some yellow decorative items; if you opt for a traditional decoration, paint one wall with MALVA 428, introduce some natural elements –as wood- and choose grey, white or black for textiles. 

Purple shades will provide your decoration with relax, and will encourage to meditate, becoming a perfect option for bedrooms and dining-rooms. Get devoted to the color of the year and discover all its decorative possibilities.

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