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Macy Decoración y más

Tips to decorate the children’s room

Decoration of the children’s room always triggers your enthusiasm, either for a new baby arrival, for the suddenly necessity of adapting the room to the children’s growing demands or for the changes planned in a room to be shared. Our tips to decorate the children’s room will help you to avoid the typical mistakes to make the most of it. 

They grow up so fast!”, is one of the most usual comments when talking about children, isn’t it? If you don’t want their rooms to get out of date or not to show their real age, you should take this premise as decorative guideline.

If a baby is coming and you must decorate the nursery, do not confine yourself to pink or blue for girls or boys respectively. This room may be shared with a new member of the family in the future. From Pinturas Macy we recommend painting walls with neuter colors, and add pops of color in textiles and accessories. Furthermore, this gives you the possibility of redecorating the room without investing much money. 

Another aspect to consider when decorating the children’s room is the importance of clearly differentiating spaces: for studying, for playing, for resting… At early ages, play is essential for the child’s development, and you should take it into account when decorating her/him room.

Chalk paint:

Our recommendation is opting for polyvalent, space saving furniture, which gives the children room to play and can be adapted to their growth. It is ideal to keep stuff at their reach, so that they could grab their toys and clothes, as well as pick them up. This will boost their autonomy. 

Set a baseboard half way up from the ground to prevent stains and kicks… We suggest painting the wall with CHALKBOARD PAINT, and let their imagination run free. You will prevent any inconvenience derived from their artistic development. 

Beyond a question of style - modern, minimalist, Scandinavian, vintage, nature-inspired,…- it must be practical and joyful. As far as possible, listen to your kid and let her/him participate in the decorative project.

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