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Macy Decoración y más

Painting with a brush or a roller, which one to pick?

When painting a wall, a piece of furniture or any other surface, it is not only important to choose the best products, but also the most suitable tools to achieve the expected results. Today, we give you the keys to choose the necessary materials for each project.

Surely, more than once, when you were about to start painting, you have wondered: should I use a brush or a roller? The first thing you should know is that, one is not better than the other, each one has its own functions and specifications and its use depends on various factors, such as the type of wall, its condition, our skills, the desired finish…


Roller painting


Believe it or not, not all rollers and brushes are built the same, and being able to distinguish them will allow you to choose the right option. There are rollers for smooth surfaces, for rough surfaces, with a non-drip system, polyamide rollers, enamel paint rollers ... Pinturas Macy recommends that when painting exterior and/or textured surfaces, you should opt for a roller for rough surfaces, since they have better performance.


Roller painting allows us to obtain more uniform and even finishes. It is the most quick and comfortable option to cover large surfaces. Rollers are also widely used to apply the first coats of paint.


Brush painting


Brushes, being smaller than the rollers, offer greater precision. Therefore, it is worth using the brush while painting small or difficult-to-reach areas. We advise you to use a brush to put on the last coats of paint and to touch up spaces that may have been left unpainted with the roller.


As rollers, brushes are available in different types. Flat brushes or spalters, that you can find in different sizes, are suitable for smooth surfaces; and the round ones can be used to paint difficult-to-reach areas, such as frames, moldings, small corners ...


Before painting, prepare all the tools you are going to use and when you finish, remember to clean them properly to ensure that they are kept in perfect condition. If you do not know how to do it, follow our tips to clean after painting.


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