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Macy Decoración y más


This painting technique must be familiar to you for certain. It is known as half-painting”, a trend which seems to be sticking around in interior decoration both for walls and even for objects.

Half-painted walls provide your rooms with a touch of style and originality. Besides, they open up the space and give you more perspective. You may paint the corridors with a light color, for example, obtaining even more brightness in combination with white. In houses with high ceilings, you may change the perspective painting above the halfway point to reduce the sense of height.

Half-painting is ideal for kids and teens’ bedrooms. A perfect choice for wear areas. And highly recommendable if young children are present, to keep walls looking fresh in high traffic areas where they usually hold on.

If you are fond of this half-painted effect, do not exclude it from your home by the fact of having a door or a frame in the middle of a wall. You can apply this technique everywhere, getting stunning effects.

Half-painting everywhere. 

This decorative tendency is not exclusive for walls, otherwise you may apply it on every kind of objects, such as chairs, stools, cupboards, etc. In this case, we recommend you to paint their legs. Furthermore, it can help you to give a new breath to old pieces of furniture which have grown unsightly, to boring” decorative items or even to pictures.

It’s time to choose the colors of the walls, and you count on two options. You may select colors with high contrast to create daring spaces full of originality, or different hues of the same color to give your home a touch of balance.

Take a look to these pictures specially picked up to inspire you.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Aviso Legal · Configuración de Cookies Diseño y programación: Grupo Enuno