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Colors to decorate the baby room

We have already mentioned the importance of an adequate selection of colors for the different rooms of our house. Colors may deeply influence our emotions, and for this reason, thinking in advance about them is an essential step.

We have already mentioned the importance of an adequate selection of colors for the different rooms of our house. Colors may deeply influence our emotions, and for this reason, thinking in advance about them is an essential step. Today, we are going to help you to select the most suitable colors for the baby room.

Even if the cliché pink for girls and blue for boys” is a boring issue, it turns to be a good choice in most cases. When you are waiting for a baby, the decoration of his/her bedroom is one of the most exciting arrangements to do. It is no wonder, since the nursery room will become a very special shelter for them and colors may define their personality.

Two indispensable colors to decorate the baby room are Turquoise 453 and Quartz 451 from our collection Mate Decoración. We will explain you why.



Pink denotes femininity and, depending on the intensity, it conveys different emotions. Our quartz pink provides relaxation, gentleness, tenderness, and at the same time, strength and energy. If this is your option for the nursery room, you will create a delicate and well-balanced space where your daughter can feel peace and serenity.



Shades of blue have always identified male sex. It conveys calm and peace. Decorating your son´s room with this color will help him to sleep well in a relaxed atmosphere.

Both quartz and turquoise result in radiant, stunning and modern combinations. Each color provides its own energy and effect on our emotions. Children’s are the most colorful rooms of the house, full of life, magic and color.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno