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Macy d et plus …

Say goodbye to stains with Macy-Clean

What about getting in minutes what usually took you hours to do? You will just need MACY-CLEAN, a perfect product for the maintenance of all kind of indoor and outdoor surfaces.

What about getting in minutes what usually took you hours to do? You will just need MACY-CLEAN, a perfect product for the maintenance of all kind of indoor and outdoor surfaces.

Today, we devote this section to one of our leading articles. One of those products coming to your life to make it easy and providing any help you can get concerning cleaning. If you are fed up with stains of mold, mildew and moss, and you do not have any idea about how to remove them, having to invest hours of scratching without success, you’d rather go on reading this section and you may find interesting information.

MACY-CLEAN is a water-based product, disinfectant, preventing but also solving the problem of mold presence on those areas likely to host these microorganisms. Its concentrated formula provides a thorough cleaning of those surfaces damaged by stains of mold, mildew and moss without any effort. Simply spray MACY-CLEAN on the affected surface, let it work and it will be ready!

It is a useful product for any room in the house: bathroom, kitchen, storage room, utility room, bedrooms, garage, basement, …, since it gets ideal results in the maintenance of walls, floors, balconies, swimming-pools, flowerpots, showers, bath screens and curtains, ceramics and silicone joints, etc. MACY is an all-in-one product; once you try it, you will give in to its efficiency.


Method of application:                                                                                                                 

Its application is very simple. You must spray it directly on the damaged surface included an area of 5 cm around, let it act during 10-20 minutes, and you will see how the stains gradually disappear. In case of resistant stains, it may be necessary to repeat the process as long as you perceive the results.

In case of consistent, populated stains of mildew or moss, it is recommendable to previously brush them before starting the application of MACY-CLEAN.

In addition, this product allows the successive painting of the treated area if desired. You just have to rinse the surface with water and let it dry.


Days are numbered for stains of mould, mildew and moss. If you don´t know it yet, take note of it 👉🏼 Macy-Clean, suitable for indoor and outdoor usage and ideal for the maintenance of walls, floors, balconies, swimming-pools, flowerpots, showers, bath screens and curtains, ceramics and silicone joints,... Almost everything you could imagine

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