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Vintage industrial décor: hints and tips

Open spaces, high ceilings, beams and piping, exposed brick… These are common elements of industrial style. It is an optimal choice for any room in the house, which may become modern and cozy thanks to the simplicity and the absence of ornaments.

Industrial Décor has its origin in New York, during the ‘50s, where young artists used to convert old factories and warehouses to charming lofts and living spaces. Since then, it has become a very popular decoration style.


One of the assets of this decoration trend is its timeless spirit, due to the pride of place of raw materials and its functionality. Nowadays, we can achieve an industrial look in our home with the help of some easy guidelines, and without need of a high budget or long renovating works.


Steel and iron are all valuable when creating an industrial atmosphere. These materials are present in lamps, tables, chairs,… and if combined with wood, the results will be amazing for sure.


Raw walls


Raw brick or walls are key elements of this style, but bricks are not indispensable to get the desired unfinished” effect. One of the easiest techniques employed for a real rough and worn-down feel is by painting. Yes, you read that right. It is enough with a decorative brick-effect paint to provide an industrial touch to your rooms.


Color must be taken in high consideration to achieve a well-balanced atmosphere. Using warm and neutral colors, as white, black, grey or brown, will work well with natural textures, such as wood, canes, wicker, etc.


Combining functional accessories and leaving structural elements like beams or piping at sight”, are a mustof industrial décor. It is up to you: if you are passionate about this style, it is your opportunity to show rough materials like wood or metals off. In the latter case, a coat of VARNISH FOR METALS MACY will give them a renovated appearance, making them 100% suitable for an industrial feel in your home.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno