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Taking care of wood in winter

Did you know that a proper maintenance of your wooden furniture comprises taking care of them in winter? Furniture of yards, gardens and terraces endure extreme temperatures during the hottest season of the year, hence, it is important to nourish wood at least twice a year to keep it in perfect conditions.

When we think about exterior wooden furniture, we usually refer to chairs, tables, hammocks, … Nevertheless, we shouldn`t disregard jardinières and the floor itself. It is exposed to hard weathering conditions the whole year, and to its associated risks –unlike chairs and tables-.

Therefore, a proper maintenance of wood during winter becomes imperative. We recommend using our TEAK OIL MACY. An open-pore product which nourishes wood and enhances its properties, allowing it to breathe. 

TEAK OIL MACY is specially indicated for outdoor furniture and it is applied directly on bare wood. It contains UV-filters, since sunscreen is also important in winter, as well as mold-growth inhibitors.

It is a product of easy application, and due to its nature, it impregnates and enriches wood, preventing cracks and chips. 

How is TEAK OIL applied?

-Sand the wooden surface previously and remove flour.

-Apply a generous coat of TEAK OIL MACY.

-After 20-30 minutes, remove the residual oil with a cloth.

-After 24 hours, apply a second coat if necessary.

Macy tips

In case of dried wood, it is recommended to apply several coats of the product till getting a smooth satin finish. 

Between coats, it is convenient to carry out a soft sanding  in order to achieve a high-end finish.

On bare wood, apply the product wet-on-wet until saturation of the wood has been achieved, or two coats minimum according to the surface porosity and thickness, for a perfect protection.

On substrates on poor conditions, remove old paint or varnish and treat it as a new surface. 

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno