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Macy d et plus …

Painting an accent wall

When painting the walls, you can opt for choosing a different color for one of them. Let’s see how, with two of our colors and a couple of guidelines, you can get a perfect finish.

An option with optimal decorative results implies painting a featurewall in a different color contrasting with the rest. In this way, you can direct the eye strategically to where you want, and you can also spice things up and create a fresh new look with minimal cost and effort. This decorative resource is specially suitable for living rooms and bedrooms.

If you stick with this alternative, you must take into account that the best option is choosing colors of the same chromatic family. Paint your statement wall the same color but 2 shades darker than the adjacent walls, for example, green and a darker green, red and pink or violet, etc.

Pick light colors –close to neuter- such as white, which should harmonize and match with the existing décor. 

Pinturas Macy offers you a real example of this decorative practice. The same space - a living room- decorated in the same way, just with the accent wall highlighted with a different color. In the first proposal, the wall is painted with our OXIRMAC yellow, and in the second, with our MARTELÉ dark blue. 

OXIMAR yellow

Yellow is a color full of energy and good vibes. It conveys vitality and gives rise to modern and daring spaces with a remarkable personality. As shown in the picture, this spring-like proposal represents a harmonious combination with the wooden furniture, the nature-inspired decoration, the textile elements in grey, black or cream…

MARTELÉ dark blue

Painting the accent wall with our MARTELÉ dark blue, becomes a cold, elegant and sophisticated option. It matches delicately with the sofa and the textile pieces in beige, white or even green. Also with the wooden furniture and the natural decoration. The result is a well-balance space scented with a warm and cozy vibe.

As proved, it is essential taking your time when choosing color for your accent wall -that way you are pretty much guaranteed to create professionally looking results-. Color can change the whole atmosphere of the room, and –we insist- it can give a new breath to your home without heavy expenses. 

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno