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Launch of MACY-PRIMER, a new product to paint any type of plastics

The range of Pinturas Macy products is increasingly growing. Our new-born novelty, is MACY-PRIMER FOR PLASTICS, a product specially recommended to paint plastic surfaces, garden furniture, car accessories, frames, packages, etc.

For sure, if you like handicrafts, DIY and you are keen on painting any type of surface by yourself, you will already know how difficult painting plastic is. Plastic is a non-porous support and any of the primers in the market can achieve the expected results. Do you agree?

At Pinturas Macy we have been working in offering a solution for painting plastics, and thanks to our I+D+i department, here it is. Macy-Prymer is a product for interiors and exteriors. It is an adherence promoter for plastic supports such as POLYPROPYLENE (PP), POLYSTYRENE (PS), POLYCARBONATE (PC), POLYURETHANE (PUR), VINYL POLYCHORIDE or PVC, POLYAMIDE (PA), Nylon GRP, a type of plastic reinforced with glass and Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS). 

Painting plastics with MACY-PRYMER

MACY-PRIMER FOR PLASTICS is a ready-to-use product of direct application. We recommend to apply it by spray gun and to take into account the following guidelines:

-Be sure the surface is clean, free of dirt, dust, silicones, grease, oil or any other substance which may reduce the adhesion properties of MACY-PRIMER.

-Remove any contaminant elements with soapy water and rinse with abundant water.

-Degrease the surface with alcohol before starting the painting works.

-If the support to be painted is not even, warm the surface by flaming it to facilitate its cleaning and degreasing.

-In case of necessity, it can be sanded. If it is so, clean and degrease as explained before. 

MACY-PRIMER FOR PLASTICS is an effective adhesion promoter with excellent performances. Furthermore, plastic surfaces can be recoated with water-based paints.

Are you ready for MACY-PRIMER FOR PLASTICS? If you are, do not hesitate in sharing your experience on social media, Facebook e Instagram.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno