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We firmly stand up against the farewell to hot weather, but on the other hand, we are eager to welcome upcoming autumn. On standby, and getting inspired by one of the most typical fruits of September, our color scheme for the new season is proposed.

We open September with a classical combination of colors, audacious and full of energy. This brand new chromatic proposal, does not only involve daring colors, but also a mix and match of textures to endow every nook at your home with an innovative and personalized spirit. 

Trendy colors

An additional nuance of this new proposal is the inclusion of some trendy colors for this season Autumn-Winter 2018, such as red and mustard.

The first color of this palette is chosen from our Matt Decoration Line: Passion #435, a passionate, warm and seductive tonality which perfectly suits neuter, earthly, grey, yellow, green and even orange or pink hues.

Color O-26from our METALLIC EFFECT PAINT MACY becomes our second proposal. It is an olive-green tonality, intense and sophisticated, which invites us to go deep into the forest.  Metallic effect paint is the ideal choice for interiors and offers optimal wear and scratch resistance.

Warm and autumn-inspired

We go back to our Matt Decoration Line to present Mustard #444. Undoubtedly, it is the  trendiest color of the season, able to evoke a wide range of sensations. For example, if mustard is used on walls and combined with white tonalities as a base, you will enhance the sense of wideness and brightness of any room. If you opt for green hues, success is guaranteed, giving as result a fresh and casual atmosphere.

Our paint Chocolate #441 couldn’t be left aside from our selection: a fashionable option, more and more recurrent for interior decoration. Being a dark tonality, we recommend you to use it in spacious rooms. Use it to paint an accent wall in the dining room and combine it with different hues of the same kind. You will enjoy a classical and modern decoration, conferring coziness to your home.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno