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Some tips to decorate your bathroom

The bathroom should be a place to relax and enjoy your free time, having a bath after a hard day of work. When decorating your bathroom there are different aspects to consider, as size, light or the colors of walls, ceiling or furniture.

As with any other room of the house, creating a warm, cozy and pleasant atmosphere will depend on the previous planning of these details. Here you have some tips for it.

The bathroom is usually the smallest room of the house. A suitable selection of colors and their combination will help to provide a sense of wideness and space. Thus, we would rather choose neuter and light colors, as white or beige. If your bathroom is not very big but you are not convinced of light colors, you may employ your favorite color to paint a wall, for the textiles, or for other decorative elements.

Colors as blue, green, grey or pastel colors are all suitable for bathrooms. Before making your mind up, consider lightning –natural or artificial- and size. Otherwise, you may feel trapped in your own bathroom.

Some tips:

Creating contrast is always a wise choice. Playing with white or black will give as result modern, attractive and sophisticated proposals. You may paint a wall with black or employ this color to paint the bathtub or the sink. Are you up to the challenge?

Another safe bet consists on selecting natural materials. A natural-like style- where wood or stone are highlighted- is definitely a fresh and breaking trend, absolutely timeless and well-balanced.

Bathroom fitting is also important. If your bathroom is already decorated but it demands a new breath, we recommend you to paint the taps, and leave them as new. Golden taps in white bathrooms will bring a modern look with a strong personality.

Cleaning the bathroom fitting is essential before painting; start with a smooth sanding and remove traces of grease with UNIVERSAL SOLVENT. Next, apply our CHROMATE PRIMER as a protective coat. You may choose the finish among a wide range of possibilities and qualities, as ACRYLIC ENAMEL, SYNTHETIC ENAMEL, MACY-LAC, OXIMARC, POLYURETHANE ENAMEL, etc. 

What about you? Which is your preference to decorate your bathroom? Neuter, relaxing colors or exciting, energizing colors.

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